

Prevention of lonely death by using McKare monitoring

Innovative monitoring system for emergency response and safety of the elderly by detecting vital signs


Gangnam Welfare Center is conducting an emergency monitoring project targeting seniors in single-person households using McKare radar sensor.


The project that is aimed to prevent and respond quickly in case of emergency by detecting vital signs.


Smart monitoring devices have been installed at 4 to 5 locations in each home of seniors and are being continuously monitored from 2023 through a control center PC built at the welfare center.


The importance of this project was clearly shown through a recent case.




On March 28, 2024, danger signs were detected through McKare platform and staffs in Gangnam Welfare Center


responded to the emergency situation. At that time, the patient had low oxygen saturation and had difficulty in breathing so if he had been left alone he would have died alone.


However, emergency staffs were sent quickly and the patient was transported to the hospital.

This case is a good example for preventing lonely deaths and McKare will continue to contribute for creating a safe community in the future.


McKare solution is developed by CEO of JCF Technology while thinking about his parents who also needed monitoring and this solution is being provided to many projects to eliminate blind spots in elderly care and sustainable community welfare.



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